Based on the picture above, we can see how different the imagination of every children in this world. As we can see from the picture, the picture on the right shows the imaginary picture of a child living in peace and harmony. While on the left of the picture we can see a child describing what happened to his place of residence where there was a war and the child could not grow up comfortably and peacefully. Every children has their own unique desires. They are not able to express it in words so they will describe it with a drawing like the picture above. We need to take care of children, defend them from the threat of danger. Like the words of Mahatma Gandhi "If we are to teach real peace in this world, and if we are to carry on a real war against war, we shall have to begin with the children". So we need to make the world a better place to children lives in harmony.


  1. praise : I like when you add words from Mahatma Ghandi.
    question : Can you add more information about the picture on the left?
    praise: Add more picture.


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