A new report from the United Nations Children's Fund _won of hundred_ of millions of children in the world’s cities are living in poverty. UNICEF’s "State of the World’s Children Report" says _a stack of population_of children lack _of emergency_services, including clean water, education, health, _paper toilet_."Urbanization leaves hundreds of millions of children in cities and towns excluded _from fundal services_," the Children's Fund said. The Fund also says these children are _among the most_ disadvantaged and vulnerable in the world because _they leaving in fear_ of violence and exploitation _on daily basis_. Millions of children are forced into child labour and the sex industry.The report explains how the slums where children live _have diseases such_ as pneumonia and diarrhoea, two of _the biggest killer_ of children under five in the world. UNICEF spokeswoman, Marixie Mercado, says many children are _disadvantage from_ birth and _excluded from_ “normal” society in which richer children can thrive. She says: “One-third of children _in open areas_are not registered at birth [and that] makes them much more vulnerable to exploitation _through their live_.” UNICEF executive director Anthony Lake added: "Children are vulnerable to.…the injuries, illnesses and death _that result from _ living in crowded settlements atop hazardous _rubbish down_ oralongside railroad tracks."


1. To what extent does child poverty exist in our country? 

Across the world, about 1 billion children are multidimensionally poor, meaning they lack necessities as basic  cleaas nutrition orn water. Some 150 million additional children have been plunged into multidimensional poverty due to COVID-19. An estimated 356 million children live in extreme poverty.

2. How can we stop children being forced into child labour and the sex industry? 

= The public must report to the Department of Child Welfare if they see or witness children being forced into child labor and the sex industry.

3.How can we stop children from living in fear? 

Parents teach their children to be fearful and cautious of specific dangers, such as fire or crossing the road. In these instances, anxiety can be useful, because it helps protect the child from harm. However, children can be fearful of situations or objects that adults don’t find threatening.

4.Will children still be living in poverty fifty years from now? Why?

No, because we have one body that defends the fate of children which is UNICEF. UNICEF works in the world’s toughest places to reach the most disadvantaged children and adolescents – and to protect the rights of every child, everywhere. Across more than more than 190 countries and territories, we do whatever it takes to help children survive, thrive and fulfill their potential, from early childhood through adolescence.



  1. Good research and interesting views. Effective poster. Keep it up.


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